using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; [RequireComponent( typeof( TweenPosition ) )] public class FloatingTextUp2D : MonoBehaviour { public enum Side { Left, Right, Center, NoOutOfScreen, NoTouch } private UILabel mLabel; // from ScriptIncluded private Vector3 mObjPos; public Camera guiCamera = null; public Camera worldCamera = null; public GameObject targetObject = null; public float tweenDuration = 2.5f; public float tweenDistance = 350f; public Side startSide = Side.NoOutOfScreen; /// /// move up by Percent from -1 ~ 1. 0 is middle of scrren. If this is false, tweenDistance used to end of tween moving. /// public bool moveUpByPercent = false; /// /// how much move up? this value from -1 to 1. 0 is middle of screen. /// [Range(-1, 1)] public float moveUpPercent = 0f; /// /// Auto Scale by screen width. if zero, use original size. if 1, full width. /// [Range( 0, 1 )] public float scaleByScreen = 0f; /// /// If scaleByScreen not setted. use this. /// //public Vector2 defaultSize = new Vector2( 1, 1 ); public void destroySelf() { Destroy( gameObject ); } // get UILabel width, height roughly. code from UILabel.MakePixelPerfect() public Vector2 getUILabelSize() { float pixelSize = (mLabel.font.atlas != null) ? mLabel.font.atlas.pixelSize : 1f; Vector3 scale = mLabel.cachedTransform.localScale; if( scaleByScreen != 0f ) scale.x = ((guiCamera.pixelWidth / mLabel.relativeSize.x) * scaleByScreen); else scale.x = mLabel.font.size * pixelSize; scale.y = scale.x; scale.z = 1f; return (mLabel.relativeSize * scale.x); } public Vector3 fixPosition( Vector3 value_ ) { Rect rect = new Rect(); rect = guiCamera.pixelRect; if( startSide != Side.NoTouch ) { Vector3 _tmpPos = guiCamera.WorldToScreenPoint( value_ ); Vector2 _labelSize = getUILabelSize(); float _middleX = Mathf.Abs( _labelSize.x * mLabel.pivotOffset.x ); if( startSide == Side.Center ) { _tmpPos.x = (rect.xMin + rect.xMax) * 0.5f; } else if( startSide == Side.Left ) { _tmpPos.x = (rect.xMin + _middleX); } else if( startSide == Side.Right ) { _tmpPos.x = (rect.xMax - _middleX); } else if( startSide == Side.NoOutOfScreen ) { if( (_tmpPos.x - _middleX) < rect.xMin ) _tmpPos.x = rect.xMin + _middleX; if( (_tmpPos.x + _middleX) > rect.xMax ) _tmpPos.x = rect.xMax - _middleX; } value_ = guiCamera.ScreenToWorldPoint( _tmpPos ); } return value_; } public void adjustPosition( Vector3 pos_ ) { mObjPos = worldCamera.WorldToViewportPoint( pos_ ); mObjPos = guiCamera.ViewportToWorldPoint( mObjPos ); mObjPos = fixPosition( mObjPos ); mObjPos.z = 0f; transform.position = mObjPos; } public void adjustScale() { if( scaleByScreen == 0f ) { mLabel.MakePixelPerfect(); // why bigger??? return; } else if( mLabel.font != null ) { float pixelSize = (mLabel.font.atlas != null) ? mLabel.font.atlas.pixelSize : 1f; //pixelSize = 4; Vector3 scale = mLabel.cachedTransform.localScale; //scale.x = mLabel.font.size * pixelSize; scale.x = ((guiCamera.pixelWidth / mLabel.relativeSize.x) * scaleByScreen); scale.y = scale.x; scale.z = 1f; Vector2 actualSize = mLabel.relativeSize * scale.x; int x = Mathf.RoundToInt( actualSize.x / pixelSize ); int y = Mathf.RoundToInt( actualSize.y / pixelSize ); Vector3 pos = mLabel.cachedTransform.localPosition; pos.x = Mathf.FloorToInt( pos.x / pixelSize ); pos.y = Mathf.CeilToInt( pos.y / pixelSize ); pos.z = Mathf.RoundToInt( pos.z ); if( mLabel.cachedTransform.localRotation == Quaternion.identity ) { if( (x % 2 == 1) && (mLabel.pivot == UILabel.Pivot.Top || mLabel.pivot == UILabel.Pivot.Center || mLabel.pivot == UILabel.Pivot.Bottom) ) pos.x += 0.5f; if( (y % 2 == 1) && (mLabel.pivot == UILabel.Pivot.Left || mLabel.pivot == UILabel.Pivot.Center || mLabel.pivot == UILabel.Pivot.Right) ) pos.y -= 0.5f; } pos.x *= pixelSize; pos.y *= pixelSize; mLabel.cachedTransform.localPosition = pos; mLabel.cachedTransform.localScale = scale; } } public void startMoveUp( Vector3 initPos_, float tweenDuration_, float tweenEnd_ ) { adjustScale(); adjustPosition( initPos_ ); TweenPosition _tp = this.tweenPosition; _tp.eventReceiver = gameObject; _tp.callWhenFinished = "destroySelf"; _tp.from = transform.localPosition; if( moveUpByPercent ) { = Vector3.up * (Screen.height * 0.5f) * moveUpPercent; = _tp.from.x; } else { = _tp.from + Vector3.up * tweenEnd_; } if( tweenDuration_ != 0 ) { _tp.duration = tweenDuration_; } } public void initAndStartMoving( Vector3 initPos_, Camera mainCam_ = null, Camera guiCam_ = null ) { if( mainCam_ != null ) worldCamera = mainCam_; if( guiCam_ != null ) guiCamera = guiCam_; startMoveUp( initPos_, tweenDuration, tweenDistance ); } // Unity3d reaction function public void Awake() { mLabel = GetComponent(); } void Start() { if( guiCamera == null ) { guiCamera = NGUITools.FindCameraForLayer( gameObject.layer ); } if( worldCamera == null ) { worldCamera = Camera.mainCamera; } if( targetObject != null ) { startMoveUp( targetObject.transform.position, tweenDuration, tweenDistance ); } } public TweenPosition tweenPosition { get { TweenPosition _tp = GetComponent(); if( _tp == null ) _tp = gameObject.AddComponent(); return _tp; } } }