====== 에지면을 따라서 버택스를 움직이도록 ====== ^ move-vertex-along-edge-blender ^ | {{veoh>v6282944prw3qPDx }} | | [[http://software-tips.wonderhowto.com/how-to/move-vertex-along-edge-blender-196391/|Link]] | ====== Mirror Modifier ====== ^ Blender 2.6 Tutorial 07 - Mirror Modifier ^ | {{youtube>y7ArlYDNi-A?large }} | ====== UV texture ====== | Blender Texturing Basics Part 1 \\ {{youtube>Ofg7lfa_aQY?large }} | Blender Basics Texture Tutorial (1) \\ {{youtube>Ix6_j-PMtSE?large }} | | Introduction to Simple UV Texture Mapping in Blender 2.5 (HD) \\ {{youtube>zh280Id_eXg?large}} | Blender 2.6 Tutorial 35 - Character UV Mapping \\ {{youtube>l-Zkt3uAeO0?large }} | | Blender 2.54 UV Mapping \\ {{youtube>A3M21GqAgHM?large }} | ====== Modeling ====== | 캐릭터 모델링 - Modelagem de Personagem (low poly) \\ {{youtube>hT7cw9Ip29E?large }} | | How to model and texture a realistic Football \\ {{youtube>SwpwzHPtqMc?large }} | ====== 기타 ====== ^ BLENDER - Muscle Flex Rig and Animation - Full Timelapse ^ | {{youtube>7wDoz5YiNPc?large }} |